Week 2

As I was planning “Body Fat % Loss” program, I came across an obstacle. As healthy as losing weight and body fat % seem to be, it is not very healthy to do so during the season. And since my basketball team is still in season and will be in season for approximately next two or three weeks, I decided to change my goal of first three weeks to maintaining my weight and losing weight when the season is over. Once the season if over, I will be also using my fitbit wrist, which is used to measure daily steps taken, calories burnt, amount of water consumed, and etc. (You can find out more about the fitbit wristband by clicking on the picture below.)

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According to research, I found that it is most accurate if the weight is measured in the morning time right when you wake up. Therefore, I decided to weigh/record every other day in the morning when I wake up. Following is the data for the week.

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As I planned, there were not much difference in my weight through out the week and I am hoping to carry this on for the next couple weeks while my team is still in season.

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